Monday, September 29, 2014

What happened in Ferguson, Missouri?

To be honest, nobody really knows what happened to Michael Brown. All we know is that he was shot and killed by a police officer named Darren Wilson on August 9th (A day after my birthday).  Later on we received an autopsy report, letting us know that he was shot in the front, which goes against the only witness, Dorian Johnson, who said he was shot in the back.  With this lack of information, and what information we do have that is inaccurate, there's really no telling what exactly happened.  We can't say whether Brown was running when he was shot and this was an act of police brutality or if he attacked the officer and Wilson was acting in self defense.  This misinformation and biased opinions from news reporters is what led to all these crazy riots going on right now. When nobody knows what happens, we tend to fill in the blanks based on our opinions on the subject.  So before anyone starts rioting and destroying buildings, maybe we should know the facts first. Everyone seems to think all white people are racists and all black people are victims, instead of caring to know what actually happened.  In this day and age, it's INCREDIBLY easy for someone to share their opinions via social media, which means the ability to fill in the gaps, whether or not these stories are actually true, is a very easy thing to do.

Another area this affects is politics.  After enough riots, a new law will most likely be passed that grants whatever it is the protesters want.

So the point I'm trying to make here is don't act like an idiot until you know the facts.

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